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Christians in love with Christ and confident of their salvation based on his sacrifice for our sins look for ways to serve him and glorify God. A part of serving him involves intentional activities that draw us closer to each other. Another part of serving Christ while glorifying God centers around doing things to spiritually enrich the entire community.


The activities listed on this page are only the beginning of what we currently offer and plan to expand in the future.


As you read the Bible, you might notice how often the people of God are united around food. Many of the Old Testament festivals and religious observances involve food of some kind. Frequently in the New Testament, we notice the Christians gathering for communal meals. There is something about sharing food together which seems to be important for the people of God.


The last Sunday of each month is reserved for an all-church potluck meal. We meet immediately after morning services, and people are encouraged to bring a dish to share. If you are unable to bring food, we invite you to stay anyway. There always is enough to go around! We conclude our time of fellowship with a short devotional thought in place of our evening services.


Last Wednesday of each month

Singing Night

In place of Wednesday class

Kids in Church
2022 Dates TBA

Vacation Bible School


Suspended due to the Pandemic

Family Promise

Hosting Week: TBD

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